I believe the visual hint feature for metrics is a great feature for the end users.
However, I have observed it doesn’t work as suggested for the metric that is calculated and overriding with an input value is allowed.
I have a metric ‘Annual Bonus’, and under the Metric’s ‘Data Input’ settings enabled the ‘Allow overriding formula results with an input’ option.

But, if you see it in the Board, it will show only as a Calculated metric i.e. grey vertical column at the right side of the cell, and not as the ‘Calculation with Input allowed’ i.e. with both pale yellow background as well as the grey vertical bar at right side of the cell, to indicate that it is both calculated and input/override is allowed.
Without the pale-yellow background there is no clear distinction between the two calculations with or without input cells hints.

Any thoughts about this bug or is it known bug and supposed to work this way?