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YTD % in a table

  • 15 March 2023
  • 2 replies

Hello !

I have created a table to display our monthly key figures with actuals vs budget. 

I have added the following columns with the calculated item function: YTD values (with the cumulate option in the calculated item), and variation in € + variation in % for the monthly and YTD values.

When my initial data is in number it’s ok, but I don’t know if it’s possible to use the calculated item option for calculating YTD values in % and calculating their variation (for example gross margin % and EBITDA 😵. Could you please help me to find the best way to calculate these values in my table?

Hope my request is clear enough!




2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Hello Elodie,

You can change a calculated item “formula” at a cell level (just right click on that cell). That should allow you to accommodate for quite some specificities.

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi Nathan,

Yes, that is what I’ve done for some cells, but to calculate a gross margin % in YTD, I cannot use the cumulate option because it will sum the monthly % and that is not the correct calculation…

I don’t find any other “formula” that would allow me to do this calculation correctly, maybe it doesn’t exist yet!
