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Adaptive display controls manage the Items that appear when a Member selects a dropdown in a Page selector on a Metric, Board or Widget. This article aims to explore the different adaptive display options available and how each of them operates.



Before you begin


What is adaptive display?


Adaptive display controls the Items appearing in a Page selector dropdown based on various factors, ranging from predefined available Items to dependency on other Page selections or data availability. These options can be set at the Board or Widget level.


How to access adaptive display controls


The adaptive display controls are in the Selector options panel. You can open this in the following ways:


From a Metric

  • Beneath the formula bar, select the slider icon with tooltip Pages options.


From a Board

  • Select Edit in the top right of your Board.
  • Beneath the Board title, select the blue slider icon with tooltip Selector options.


From a Widget

  • Select Edit in the top right of your Board.
  • Hover over your Widget, bringing up the Settings (cog) icon.
  • Select the Settings icon.
  • At the bottom of the dialog that opens, find Selectors and select Edit.


Access rights are accounted for in every option. This means if a Member has access rights set to No Read for an Item, that Item does not appear in the Page selector dropdown. 


Adaptive display options


All Available Items


This option displays all items that are selected in the ‘Available Items' section. If items are excluded from that list, they will not appear in any Members’ Page selection options. Individual Members could see different options based on their access rights configurations. 


Dependent Page Selections


The dependent Page selections feature shows Items based on the Items chosen for the other Page selectors. For example, if you have regional and country Page selectors within a Board, selecting a regional item prompts the country Page selector to only display countries that fall within that region.


Dynamic Selection


This option takes into account both dependent Page selections and underlying data availability. If an Item does not have any data associated with it, it is not displayed. 


If a Metric has the Show empty rows and columns option activated within the filters, it overrides the dynamic selection feature and shows Items without any underlying data.


Page selector options for larger lists


When implementing adaptive display options, the message Content too large to fully display may appear at the bottom of the Page selector. This message is shown when more than 1000 Items are available, limiting the dropdown to display only the first 1000 Items. However, you can search for any additional Items.


Dependent Page selections are the best option for performance. It limits options based on parent selection while not having to check for underlying data. 


Boards and Widgets


Dynamic Selection and Dependent Page Selections on Boards


When using Dynamic Selection and Dependent Page Selections on Boards you must use the same group Dimension as a parent Page selector for all Widgets for this to work. Grouping or parent Page selectors are Page selectors that show the relationship between two Dimensions. These are created by using group Properties, or Properties in a Dimension list that use another Dimension as the data type.   


For example, if you had a Country list with a Region property, that used a Region list, this would be a group Property. If you had a Metric that used Country > Region as a Page selector, that would be a grouped Dimension.


If you wanted to use Dynamic Selection and Dependent Page Selections, you would have to use  Country > Region  as a Page selector for applicable Widgets. If you were to use another Widget with just the Region Page selector and not Country > Region, these options would not work in the Board Page selectors.  


Learn more

  • Change Views with Pivot
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