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Pigment records all data updates made to Dimension Lists, Transaction Lists, and Metrics, allowing Members to see both the time of the change and the Member responsible.

Members must have the View History permission to to access an Application’s history. 

However, Pigment access rights, which control what data Members can read or write, does not apply to the Application History page. This means that any Member with the View History can see all updates on the Application History, regardless of their specific data access rights.

Therefore, to ensure data security, Pigment recommends that you only assign the View History permission to those Members who have authorized access to all data within the entire Application. 


What is Application history? 


When building or interacting with an Application, all events are tracked and stored in the Application's history section. Members with the View History permission can access, view, and filter these events at various levels.


How can I view Application history?


You can access the history of an Application from different areas, depending on the level of detail you need.

  • Click the History icon in the Application sidebar. This opens the Updates page. 

The Updates page displays all tracked events. You can filter these as follows: 

  • Time. The default is the past 6 months. Other options are: past day, past week, past month, and you can also set a custom time range for specific dates. 
  • Members. Select one or more Members to view all changes made by specific individuals.
  • Blocks. Use this filter to refine specific Block history. You can also access the history of deleted Blocks.

  • Actions. Events are categorized into the following types:

    • Edit

    • Formula

    • Import

    • Delete Item

    • Block Settings

Which details are included in each update?


The following columns provide detailed information about each update: 

  • Time. Displays when the event occurred.

  • User. Identifies the Member who made the update.

  • Object. Shows the type of Block that was updated, for example a List or a Metric, and its name.

  • Action. Indicates the type of action performed, such as an edit, deletion, or addition.

  • Value. Displays both the previous and new value after the update.
    For example:

    • If a formula is changed, you can view both the old and new formulas.
    • For input changes, you can see the previous input and the updated one.

What types of actions are tracked?


For every update, Pigment records the Member who made the change and the time it occurred. The Actions column tracks and lists the following types of actions:



All manual inputs on Lists and Metrics are recorded as an Edit action. This includes adding a new Item.

  • Lists. Hover over an update to see which Property and Item were edited. The Item's identifier is displayed using its current Default Display Property. If the Item has been deleted, no identifier is shown.
  • Metrics. Hover over the update to see which specific aspects of the Dimensions were changed.


Formula updates

All formula changes are recorded as Formula Update actions, allowing you to filter and view only formula-related updates.

  • Click View Changes in the Value column.
    This displays the Metric name, the timestamp of the update, and the Member who made the change. It also displays the previous, and updated formula.

When you’re reviewing updates to formulas, you need to consider the following: 

  • If Blocks used in the formula have been renamed after the formula update, the updated Block names are displayed with the formula.
  • If Blocks used in the formula have been deleted, the updated version may no longer be available. In such cases, only the original version of the formula is displayed.
  • To view the formula exactly as it was before the Block or Item rename, click Show Original Version. 
  • Click Show current version to revert back to the current updated formula.


All CSV imports on Lists and Metrics are recorded as an Import action, allowing you to see the number of Items or values that were inserted, updated or skipped. You can also access Import Summary files, however these are only available for 90 days.

If the Automatically add new items to dependent Dimensions option is enabled for the import, some dependent Dimensions, that is Dimensions used by the List or Metric on which the import has been made, might have been impacted by the import. Those changes are listed as a Dependent Import action.

For more information, see How to Import Data Manually into Lists


Block creation & deletion 

Dimension Lists, Transaction Lists, and Metrics appear as Block Created actions when they are created and Block Deleted actions when they are removed. Currently, the creation and deletion of Tables are not tracked in Application history.


List item deletion

All deletions on Dimension Lists and Transaction Lists are tracked as a Delete action. 


Block settings 

All changes to Dimension Lists, Transaction Lists, and Metrics changes are tracked as a Block settings action. 

For Lists , you can see when a List is renamed, created, deleted, or shared.  You can also see when special Properties are updated, created or deleted, as well as when a Property is updated, such as a new type, name, or if the is unique field was updated. 


For Metrics, you can see when a Metric is renamed, created, deleted, or shared.  Metric updates such as Dimension changes, enabling of overwrites, and data type updates are also tracked.


Automation settings

Creation, deletion and edits that are made to automations in Pigment are stored in this area.  If you want to see the history of when an Automation was triggered, this is stored in the Automations section, along with errors related to Automations. 


View List or Metric history at Block level

You can review a List or Metric’s history at Block level:

  1. Open the required Block and select the Block Updates symbol located in the top-right corner.
  2. Select the date menu to filter by time range.
  3. Select Filter to sort events by Members, Actions, or by a specific Dimension.
  4. (Optional) Select the right arrow to open the Updates page.

View Item history on Lists and Cell history on Metrics at Block level

You can view an Item's history at the Block level on Metrics and Lists, as well as when Lists or Metrics are displayed on a Board. However, cell history is not available in Tables. Additionally, cell-level history cannot be tracked for bulk data imports, such as Metric-to-Metric updates, integrations, and flat file uploads.

  1. Open the required Block and right-click the required cell.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • View item history. Use this if working with a List
    • View cell updates. Use this if working with a Metric. 
  3. Select the date menu to filter by time range.
  4. Select Filter to sort events by Members, Actions, or by specific Dimension.
  5. (Optional) Select the right arrow to open the Updates page. 
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