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When rolling out an Application, ensuring data security is crucial. The Impersonate feature allows you to define a Security Admin who can sign in as another Member to review and verify their access rights. 

Only the Primary Owner and Security Admin account types can use Impersonate. 

What does Impersonate do?


Impersonate allows any Member with a Security Admin account type to be able to log in as another Member. This enables them to view what the other Member can see, making it a powerful way to verify applied access rights. 

While impersonating, the original Security Admin account type permissions remain intact. This means you can review the Member’s access rights but you cannot view their assigned permissions. Additionally, you can use Impersonate to check if a Member has access to a specific Board.


Example of when the impersonated Member does not have access to a Board​​​


How do I use Impersonate?

There are two ways to access Impersonate: 

  • Boards. In the top right, click the Impersonate icon, then select the Member whose access rights you want to review. 

  • Blocks. Open the required Block, and click the menu (...) in the top right. Select Impersonate, and then the required Member from the menu. 


When impersonating a Member who is adding an Item to a List, either directly on the List or through a form, it may appear that a Member has write access when in fact they don’t.  This can happen when certain access rights configurations are  applied to List Item Values in Lists. If you encounter this, we recommend that you use a separate test user account.



Turn off Impersonate 

When you are finished reviewing, click the X beside the name of the person you were impersonating. 


Use Impersonate with access rights Metrics


When impersonating a Member without the proper access to view an access rights Metric, the Metric always displays No Read / No Write, regardless of the actual values. To confirm the impersonated Member’s access, check the Access Rights chip located at the top of the screen.

In this example, the Member has no access to this Access Rights Metric, and all cells display No Read / No Write. For other types of Metrics, the cell values would be blank.