Depending on your use case, the ability to add Items to a Dimension list is a powerful feature. This article explains how to allow users to add Items to Lists, either in the grid, or through forms.
Before you Begin
Members can only add Items to a List on a Board if they have the Add & remove List Items permission.
To use the Add Item button functionality, or to add and edit Items using forms, Members must have the Can configure permission for that Board.
There are several ways you can add an Item to a List:
- Add an Item by creating a dedicated Action button. This allows Members to quickly add Items to specified a Dimension or Transaction List, and automatically adds the new Item to the Page Selector. For more information, see Create an Add Item Action Button.
- Enable an Add Item button at the top of the list widget. This can be configured to add Items either directly in the grid, or through a form. With this enabled, when a Member hovers over a published list, the option to add Items to that list is displayed. For more information, see Display the Add Item Button.
- Right-click a published list from a Board and then click Add new Items to add a new Item directly to the grid. The new Item's location is determined by whichever Item is clicked, and if either Add Item above or Add Item below is selected.

Create an Add List Item Action Button
- Click Edit on your Board.
- Click + Add a Widget and select Action.
- In the Action on click section, click + Add List Item.
- Select a List. This is where you want the button to add new Items.
- Select a View. Properties displayed in this View are used to define the fields when an Item is added.
- (Optional) Toggle off the Automatically set newly created Item as a page setting if users don’t want the Page selection to reset automatically when a new item is created.
- Select either a Card or Button format for the Action button.
- Complete the remaining text fields.
- Click Add and the button appears in the top left of the Board.
- Drag and drop the button to its correct location on the Board.
- (Optional) Click the Settings icon at the top right of the widget to update the button title and description or to edit its formatting.

Display the Add Item Button
- Click Edit Board at the top right of your Board.
- Hover over a published List widget and click the settings icon.
- Toggle on the Display “Add Items” button.
The + Add Item button appears on the Board immediately. - Select one of the following options:
- In the Grid. An empty row is added for the Item in the grid.
- Through Form. This opens a form with the option to prefill the List Properties details based on other Items in the List. When this option is selected, it’s also available for Editing Items. - (Optional) You can also adjust your View if you don’t want to use the default.
If you use the Through Form option, only visible Properties are available on the Add Item form.

Add and Edit Items with a Form
When an Item is added using the Through a form option, it provides two options:
- Enter values manually for each Item Property field.
- Click Prefill from an Item to copy properties from an existing Item and then edit them.
When the Editing Items option is set to Through form, double-clicking any Item in the List reopens the form, allowing you to edit that Item. However, that prefill is not available when editing.
Customize the Form
You can customize what appears on the form by configuring the List View that is published. Only Properties visible in the published View display on the form, and any Properties using a formula are excluded.
Update the Default Prefill Property
When you use the Prefill from an Item option, a Property is displayed in the prefill menu. Do the following to adjust which Property is used:
- In your Board, expand the required List, and click the settings icon. This opens Block Settings.
- Click Special Properties.
- Select the new Property from the Default display name menu.
Automatically Add List Properties
If you are using a grouping property as a Page Selector on a Board, and only one page option is selected, adding a new Item to the List automatically assigns that selected page option to the new Item.
If you use a Page Selector linked to a List or its grouping property, and you add multiple items directly to the grid, the Add multiple items option is unavailable. However, if use a form, you can add new Items, Properties are not automatically assigned.