Hello, I’m trying to import a csv file (Employee referential) into a Dimension List (Employee Referential List). The target Employee List has 5 properties : ID (“generate unique ID” setting toggled), Name, Country, Cost Centre & Salary band. I’ve set the ID property with the “generate unique ID” parameter (+Integer format), because the CSV file has 2 employees with the exact same name (but not the same country).
I get an error message preventing me to run this process (in the “map data” step): “The unique Property “ID” has to be mapped”. (the source is grayed since it’s an automatic property.) Is there a problem somewhere? Pigment doesn’t allow a direct import to a dimension list having an “auto-generated ID” property? (Sorry if this was mentionned in one of the academy paths, but didn’t find this precise information. I just found that it is possible with a transaction list, but a dimension list should be more appropriate since we are talking about a referential update).
Below the main screenshots:
1/ The target dimension list

2/ The CSV Source file , to update the employee referential (target dimension list)

3/ When I want to run the import, the message “The unique Property ID has to be mapped” appears.

Thanks in advance (newbie in Pigment)