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Most of what you see in Views can be produced by the Data Assistant using simple commands. At present, the Data Assistant does not support the following:


Queries on Lists and Tables

If you have key information stored in Lists, consider creating Metrics from that data so the AI can answer queries on it. For example:

  • you have a Dimension List that contains prospects over time
  • your Members want to know total prospects at year-end
  • you create a dedicated Metric “Prospects count” that counts up the number of prospects per Month from your List, and set it as AI-accessible
  • the Data Assistant fetches your Metric even though the source data is in a List


Queries on Snapshots

For example:

  • Scenarios that come from Snapshot Scenarios


Custom aggregators (including average)

While you can’t currently ask the Data Assistant to show you averages from your data, you can create a Metric to address this, and make it AI-readable:

  • your Sales team’s monthly forecasts are in the Metric “Monthly Revenue Forecast”
  • your Members want a month average
  • you create a dedicated Metric “Avg Monthly Rev Forecast” that calculates the average using Pigment’s average function, and set it as AI-accessible
  • the Data Assistant fetches your Metric when Members query “average monthly rev forecast”


Sorting by Dimension property


Pivoting Dimensions’ Rows and Columns


Combined charts


Complex calculations

For example:

  • Ratio between specific item and its total: “Headcount in Spain / total headcount”
  • Sorting by calculations: “Sort products by YoY revenue growth”
  • Cumulative calculations: “Year to Date Budget Costs”


Application variables

For example:

  • “Filter on current Forecast”



For example:

  • “Show revenue as M$”

Make sure that all AI-readable metrics have default formatting set up.


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