I have a Workday load with multiple loads per month and I want to be able to pull into a metric, the individual fields by load date and by scenario. I have two scenarios with one set to Feb 2 and one set to Feb 15, when I test the following logic: EE_Load_Workday_Actuals.Departmentnby lastnonblank: EE_Load_Workday_Actuals.'Workday Employee', TIMEDIM(EE_Load_Workday_Actuals.'Load Date',Month)])by lastnonblank: timedim('Set_Last Actuals WD Load Date',Month)] , the metric seems to just pull the lastnonblank literally from the transaction list. I changed and moved a sample in-month change to department for one record and it just took whichever record was physically lower down in the transaction list, rather than the load date.
Is there a better way to go about this without the timedim and lastnonblank functions and modifiers? I couldn’t find anything else in the Community and couldn’t think through another approach. If there is a more efficient way to use a date within a modifier to get Pigment to return changes-in month, please let me know!
For context, the Set Last Actuals WD metric looks like this: