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Action buttons allow Members to add items from a list directly from a Card. This article discusses how to set up action buttons that can be accessed directly in the Org Chart.


Table of Contents




What are action buttons for the Org Chart?


Action buttons give Members the ability to add items to a list directly from the sidebar within a card on the Org Chart. Once a button is clicked a form will come up for Members to fill out data about items on the list. They can be configured to perform actions such as position transfers or requesting new headcount.  


Where can you add Action Buttons?


You can add action buttons to any level of your Org Chart, including both primary data items and grouping levels. These buttons will appear on the sidebar when a card is selected.

You have the flexibility to add as many buttons as you need to enhance the functionality of your Org Chart.

These buttons enable you to perform actions like adding items to a list, making it easier to manage and track changes within your organization.


Button Options



The "Label" is the text that appears on the action button. It should be descriptive and convey the purpose of the button clearly.



The Tooltip is a brief description that appears when a user hovers their cursor over the button. It should provide additional context or instructions about the button's functionality.



In the List configuration, you can select the specific list to which the item will be added when the button is clicked. 



Choose a View that will be used to display a form when the button is clicked. The fields of the form are determined by the properties saved in that View. It's important to note that certain properties, such as formula properties and hidden properties, will not be displayed in the form.


Prefilling Properties

You have the option to prefill a property of the selected list with the item displayed in the sidebar. To do this, the property you want to prefill must be the same dimension as the dimension used to define each level in your Org Chart.


For example , if your primary data is defined with the Position ID dimension, the property you prefill must also a dimension data type of Position ID.


How to add your action button?


  1. With your Org Chart open, click the Format button on the menu bar.

  2. Select the Level that the card should be on and click  Customize display.

    • Determine the level within your Org Chart where you want to add the button. This could be your primary data or any other grouping level depending on your needs.
    • If you wish to add the button to a specific group or grouping level, navigate to that group and click on "Customize Display" there.
  3. Click Add a button.

  4. Fill out the button options

  5. Save Configuration

Once you've configured the button to your specifications, save your changes to apply the button to the Org Chart level you selected. You can edit the button following the same steps to access it.


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