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Adding and switching Members in Pigment is a straightforward process. This article will walk you through the necessary permissions and steps to invite Members to your Pigment Workspace, as well as modify the current Member setup.


Add New Members


You must have an Admin, Security Admin, or Primary Owner role to invite new Members to an Application.


You can add Members individually by email and name or through a bulk import using a CSV file.


An Account type must be assigned to all new Members added individually. You don’t need to assign new Members to a Group.


Add Individual Members


To add new members individually:

  1. Navigate to the Members management section in the Sidebar.
  2. Click the + Invite new Members button in the top right corner.
  3. In the Invite new Members pane, fill in the required fields:
  • Username
  • Email
  • Account type (Standard Member, Primary Owner, Workspace Admin, or Security Admin)
  • Group(s) (optional)
  1. Click Send invitation by email.

Members can only have one role per application assigned through groups.


To resolve Group conflicts:

  • Assign the Member to a single group: Ensure the Member is part of only one group to avoid role conflicts.
  • Review and reassign application roles: Check the roles assigned through groups and make necessary adjustments to ensure there is no overlap.
  • Manually assign a role: Within the application, manually assign a specific role to the Member to override any group-assigned roles.


Add Members through CSV


To add multiple members using a CSV file:

  1. Format your CSV file with Name and Email headers. A sample CSV template is available for download in the Invite members pane.
  2. Click Select a file to upload your CSV.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Send invitation by email.


New Members are automatically assigned the Standard User account type, which can be edited later.


Members Status


Members can have one of three statuses:

  • Pending. The account is pending until the user confirms their email.
  • Activated. The Member has confirmed their account and is active.
  • Deactivated. The account is deactivated, removing access to Pigment. To deactivate a Member, click the ellipsis next to their name.


Deactivated Members' contributions remain part of your history log.


Assign Members to Groups with CSV


You can bulk assign members to Groups using a CSV file from the Groups panel.


A sample CSV template, Empty Example, and a Current Group Assignments CSV are available for download in the Assign Members to Groups with CSV pane.


  1. Go to your Workspace and click Settings.
  2. In the Settings sidebar, go to Members Management and click Groups.
  3. Click Assign Groups with CSV.
  4. Click Select a file or drag and drop your file to upload your CSV. CSV files must be formatted with Email and Group Name headers.
  5. Under Assignment options, toggle Replace existing assignment on or off. By default, this feature is off and will only add members that are not currently in the existing assignment. When toggled on, it overwrites all existing Group assignments with the configuration from the uploaded CSV file.
  6. Click Next.
  7. The Confirmation pane displays a summary of changes per Group. Click the dropdown on a individual Group to see Added or Removed members. Click Show to reveal any conflicts within a Group. Existing users who have been manually assigned a Role within an Application will retain this assignment.
  8. Click Assign Groups.


A warning summary appears at the top of the Groups tab if there are remaining conflicts:

  • Click Review Groups to see all conflicts.
  • Click Show All Groups to return to the Groups tab.

Edit Account Type


Primary Owners, Workspace Admins, and Security Admins can adjust a Member’s name and account type. To do this:

  • Click the ellipsis (…) next to the Member's name.
  • Select the desired action from the menu.


Switch to Primary Owner 


The Primary Owner can transfer ownership to another Member. To do this:

  1. Click the ellipsis (…) next to the Member's name.
  2. Select Set as Primary Owner. The new Primary Owner will be the only one who can transfer this role back. The original Primary Owner will be changed to a Security Admin.



Change Application Owners


Security Admins can change an Application's owner from the Workspace home page. To do this:

  1. In tile view, click the ellipsis (…) on the application tile. In list view, click the ellipsis (…) to the far right of the application.
  2. Select Change owner from the menu and choose from active Members to reassign the ownership.

Members with Define Application Security permission can also update the owner within the application itself. Learn more about Application permissions here.



Grant an Admin Role to Applications


Security Admins can grant themselves an Admin role for any application, including those they don't have access to. This allows Security admins to grant themselves access to Applications where Members might be locked out. To do this:

  1. In tile view, click the ellipsis (…) on the application tile. In list view, click the ellipsis (…) to the far right of the application.
  2. Select Change my Role from the menu, then choose either Admin to grant yourself Admin access or None to remove access.

Security Admins have an Application access filter to quickly identify Applications they don't have access to. These applications are grayed out.


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