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Access issues can be frustrating, but resolving them doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some quick, actionable steps to help you get started troubleshooting access rights for Members in your Pigment Workspace.

This article is aimed at Security Admins account types (or higher) tasked with resolving Members’ access rights issues.

Members Can’t Edit a Cell

There are several reasons why a Member may encounter the error message: “You are not allowed to edit this cell.”

  • Does the non-editable cell contain calculations, or contain overridden formulas? If so, manual inputs and edits cannot be performed.

    Use the cell status indicators to quickly identify and highlight cells that accept direct user input. For more information, see Use Cell Status Indicators for Better Grid Interaction.

  • Does the Member have appropriate write access to that Metric they are trying to edit?

    To check a Member’s access rights in a Block:
    1. Open the Block settings.
    2. Go to Access rights.
    3. Click Write Access.
    4. Click View detailed access per Member.
    5. Locate the required Member from the User menu. This displays their write or read status.
  • Does the Block inherit access rights from other Pigment structures?

    If this Block is inheriting access rights from other Blocks within your model, then this could impact your Member’s write access.

    To check access rights inheritance in a Block:

    1. Open the Block settings.
    2. Go to Access rights.
    3. Review the Configuration section. All Blocks which are a source of access rights inheritance are listed in the Inheriting access rights from section.

    For more information, About Access Rights Inheritance and the RESETACCESSRIGHTS Function.

    While access rights inheritance can be powerful, you can choose to deactivate it at the Application level for greater control. Pigment experts recommend that you centralize access & permissions and turn off inheritance at the Application level.
    For more information, see modeling principle MP10 - Use Access Rights Rules to Build Security, not Access Rights Inheritance in the Pigment Modeling Palette.

  • Is the Member attempting to modify a Metric belonging to a locked Scenario?

    Locked Scenarios are protected to prevent changes, so any edits to Metrics within them are restricted. If the Scenario is locked, the Member won’t be able to make updates.
    For more information, see How do Scenarios work with Access Rights and Permissions?


Impersonate the Member

If a Member is experiencing access issues, use the Impersonate feature to view Pigment from their perspective. This allows you to troubleshoot their access rights and permissions directly, and helps you to identify and resolve any issues while signed in as them.

For more information, see Review Access Rights Configurations with Impersonate.

  • Block status. Open the Block where a Member is experiencing access issues. A Member’s access status is indicated by a shield icon located to the right of the Block in the header. This icon displays one of the following statuses: No Access, Partial Access, or Full Access.
    For an overview of access rights options, see Introduction to Access Rights

    For Tables, the access status for each of its Metrics is available by hovering over the shield icon.

    Icon Description


    No access. The Member cannot see the data.


    Partial access. The Member can read some of the data but not all of it. Depending on their configuration, they may be able to edit data.


    Full access. The Member can read all of the data. Depending on their configuration, they may be able to edit that data as well.
  • Dependency diagram. Open the Dependency Diagram on the Block you want to explore, and toggle on Show access rights. This maps the data flow between Blocks. This allows you to identify which Blocks or data sources are causing permission problems so you can adjust access rights accordingly.
    For more information, Exploring your model with the Dependency Diagram.
  • Board access and Metric access. If a Member can see the Board but not specific data, the issue likely involves their Metric access permissions. If they can't access the Board at all, then it's a Board access issue. By impersonating a Member, you can see exactly what they have access to.

    With Board access, Members can view, edit, or collaborate on the overall structure and content of the Board, depending on their level of permission. However, this does not necessarily grant access to the underlying data in Metrics. Metric access needs to be explicitly granted for users to engage with the data underlying the visualizations on the Board.

    For more information, see Use Board Permissions to Grant Board Access


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