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Depending on how you have configured your block or board, you might have a dimension under Pages.  Let's take a look at how you can customize the user experience based on the Page selector configurations you set up.  



How Can Members Adjust Page selectors?

Members can adjust Page selectors by clicking on the dropdowns on the top left of the Board or from within a widget to adjust the context of their Boards.  There are also two other ways that members can adjust their Page selectors.

  • Using Headers in Tables and Metrics
    When working with Boards, you can change a Page selector by right-clicking on a Dimension item within a header and selecting Set as Page.

  • Using Charts
    If you have a Dimension as a Page selector, that is also on a chart, you can click on any item from that chart and select Set as Page to set that item as a Page selector. 
    If your chart is displaying multiple Dimensions as Page selectors, it will apply to all of them.



How do Builders Configure Page Selector Options?

To define Page options, the Pages section in your Configure Data panel must have a Dimension.

To configure a Page Selector on a Board, click Edit, and the Page options icon appears.

When you work in Blocks, the option is displayed next to your Pages in the top left. When adjusting the Page selectors for a widget, you see a Page options link.


Page Selector Options

Page Selector Options from a Board


Page Selector Order 


You can drag and drop Board Page selectors to reorder them. When you create a new Page selector, this appears at the end of the list, but can can reorder as you want.

You can control the Page selector order within a widget from the Pivot of the saved View.


Rename Page Selectors 


You have the option to rename Page selectors at Board level. If you change the name of a Page selector on one Board, this update is visible everywhere the page selector is visible on the Board, including across all widgets where that Page selector is used. However, it won't be reflected on other Boards within your Workspace, or on the widgets where that page selector has been unlinked.

  1. In your Board, click Edit and then the Page options icon.

  2. Go to the Page selector you want to rename.

  3. Click the Rename icon.

  4. Enter a new Page selector name, and click Apply.

  5. (Optional) To reset a Page selector to its original name, click the X icon.

Multi vs Single Page Selector 

One of the first choices you’ll need to make is between multi or single Page selectors.  These have very different behaviors, let's first look at a single Page selector.

When you select a single Page selector, the result is viewing only one item within that Dimension. For example, when FY22 is selected, you only see data for FY22.

However, using a multi Page selector allows the option to view one item, similar to a single Page, or to view combined items in a View.  When you select multiple values, Pigment combines those values based on the Metric’s selection in the Aggregator panel.

The initial selection will be determined by the default selector type but can be changed.  The default selector type only impacts newly created views.

Single & Multi Page Selectors

Available Items 


You can control which items are available for users to select by using the Available items menu.  This helps limit the number of options for a user.  For example, if your list has data for only a few items, you can limit the selection to those items only. All variable types are available as Available Items. For more information, see Item Variables.



Available items should not be used for security purposes. They are only intended to limit the selection, helping users quickly find the items they need. Depending on permission settings for Configure Views and/or Configure Boards, this setting can be adjusted, making more or less items available as required.


Adaptive Display


Adaptive display controls the items appearing in Page selector dropdown based on various factors. This ranges from predefined available items to dependency on other Page selections or data availability. Their options can be set at the Board or widget level.

All Available Items shows the items set in Available items. Dependent Page Selections adjusts to Parent Page selections, allowing you to limit options based on another Page selector.  Dynamic Selection uses the same functionality of Dependent Page Selections but adds in the filtering out of blank cells, only showing items when data is present for that item.  For more information on Adaptive Display, see Adaptive Display Controls in Page Selectors.



Display Mode 


Display mode allows you to control the visibility of Page selectors in Boards and widgets.  You can show, hide or minimize a Page selector.  When hidden, a Page selector will not appear.  Minimize consolidates Page selectors in a menu that end users can click on to access all minimized Page selectors. For more information on Display mode, see Hide and Minimize Board and Widget Page Selectors in Display Mode.


Blue vs black color selectors

Selectors by default are black, when you change the selector to a different value the color changes to blue.  This selection will remain for your entire Pigment session.


Reset page selectors

You can clear your selections on an individual Page selector by clicking the X next to a Page selector. This option resets the Page selector to its preset Page options. You can also reset all selections by clicking Reset to the right of the Page selectors. This can be done at widget or Board level.


Default Items 


Default Item defines the Page item or items that appear when a Board or Block is open.  Users can still adjust the Page selector but it returns to the default when it is closed and reopened.  This setting works on both multi and single select options. All types of variable can be selected as Default Items. For more information, see Item Variables.


Page Options for Widgets in a Board


Linking Page Selectors 

When working with widgets on a Board, you can adjust the options for each individual widget. Once you click Edit Board you will notice Page options appearing in the top right.  This allows you to edit the Page options for each individual widget.  You’ll notice a link icon next to every Page within a widget. When linked, a widget’s Page selection syncs with the Page selectors located at the top of the Board.

For example, if your Board’s Country Page selector is set to France, all other widgets with a Country Page selector will sync to France. If you unlink a Page selector, you can then adjust that Page selector within the widget.  You also have the ability to set a different selector, Available Items, and Default Items.



Country dimension is unlinked -  Cost Center dimension remains linked.


These options can really improve the experience for everyone on your Board! Check out this article Board Inspiration(including top tips for Board design) to improve your Board design.

How Variables and Page Selectors Work Together

When working with variables in Pigment, there’s an additional option available to allow value changes directly on the Variable. If this option is activated, a separate selector is displayed in your Block, beside Page Selectors. It’s also displayed in whichever Board your Metric is used.

This selector lists all the Dimension Items that the Variable is linked to, just like a Page selector of that Dimension, and is always displayed as a single selector. The default value for the selector is set to the default variable value of the variable.

This selector can be customized from the Page Options menu, where you also customize Page selectors. Here you can rename, reorder, hide, or minimize the Variable values selector as you would do with Page selectors. The available Items for the variables can be restricted, just like for any Page Selector. However, unlike Page Selectors, adaptive display does not apply to Variable selectors.

In a Board, variable selectors are automatically linked to their original widgets. They appear in the widget's Page options, and on the full screen widget. They also function similarly to Page selectors; if linked at the widget level, they retain the Board configuration.

To ensure end users only see the variable selector, it’s recommended that you reference Variables in Default or Available items (or both) of Page Selectors, and to then hide the corresponding Page selectors.

When interacting with variable selectors, the value selected in the selector applies only to the Member who selects it: it doesn’t affect other Members.

For more information on how to create a variable with this option enabled, see Item Variables.