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In Pigment, the data in a Block could be from the results of a formula, through an import, or manual inputs. However, based on the Metric settings, you are able to override the formula results of a given cell in a Block with manual inputs. For example, historical sales data for past months in a Metric may be brought in through a formula, while future Months may contain forecast assumptions that were manually input as an override over the formula results. This article explains how to delete those overrides in order to show the formula results on Metrics.



To use this functionality, you need to have Configure Blocks permission.


Delete inputs in bulk


Removing manual inputs by clicking in cells containing manual inputs and hitting delete is handy for smaller datasets. But for built-out Applications, it is more convenient to delete in bulk:

  1. In the sidebar, select All Blocks.
  2. In the top right of the main pane, beside + New Block select More.
  3. Select Delete User Inputs from the dropdown menu that opens.

A dialog opens (see below) with three fields defining your inputs to be deleted:

  1. Select Scenarios: note that Scenarios set to Read Only do not appear for selection.
  2. Define a range of cells: choose In or Not in from the Dimensions and Items available.
  3. Select Metrics: the list provided is determined by the following:
    1. The conditions defined in the previous step control what appears. Only Metrics with the Dimensions specified there are displayed.
    2. Only Metrics with formulas and overrides enabled are displayed, or those without a formula.
    3. No Metrics saved in the Security Folder are shown. The functionality is not supported on these types of Metrics.
    4. Only Metrics from this Application appear in the list. Metrics shared from other Applications are not shown.



Access rights

This functionality is access rights specific. For example, you are not able to proceed if:

  • you select a Scenario for which you do not have Write access
  • you have access rights for certain geographies but you select additional geographies

To successfully delete inputs, you must only select those for which you have rights.


Bulk deletions are recorded in History (Updates tab) and Audit Logs.


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