This article is here to help you evaluate if Test & Deploy (T&D) in Pigment is the right fit for you. T&D is a powerful tool for managing changes, but setting it up requires careful consideration. Here are some considerations to keep in mind as you decide if T&D suits your needs and current setup.
Managing Changes in Active Environments
Consideration: Multiple modelers are making changes that need to be deployed to environments where end users are actively working. As a result, these changes need to be managed or scheduled to avoid disruptions to operations.
Pigment Advisory: If modelers are working on Applications that are not yet in use by end users, consider if T&D is needed before these Applications go live. T&D is particularly useful when you need a structured release process to prevent operational disruptions.
Team Readiness and Understanding of T&D Scope
Consideration: Every builder and administrator on our team understands the scope of T&D within Pigment, as well as their responsibilities for implementing lifecycle management for our business.
Pigment Advisory: When T&D is implemented, the main requester will receive access to the development, or Dev, Workspace for the managed Applications. This individual is responsible for ensuring that all other builders are added to the Workspace. Without this access, other builders will be unable to make further changes to their Applications. Aligning the team on this responsibility is important for successful implementation.
Change or Release Management Plan
Consideration: Our team has an established change or release management plan for modelers.
Pigment Advisory: If your team has an existing change management plan, update it to incorporate T&D procedures. If not, consider developing one to support the structured implementation of T&D. This will help streamline the process and maintain control over the Applications’ lifecycle.